Monday 10 July 2017

What is measles

Measles is a very contagious disease

In the Arkın Health Encyclopaedia, as well as about diseases of the elderly, extensive information has been given about pediatric diseases. For this reason, the explanations on pediatric diseases in this book will evaluate pediatric diseases from the point of view of the mother. Some of the means of treatment and protection are in the hands of the mother rather than the doctor. In the house where the child is located, it is beneficial for the mother and the other elders to acquire this information. Because nowadays the mother often works, the child often looks at her grandmother or grandmother. For this reason, they should also know the same information.
The most common childhood diseases are measles, chickenpox, (Deep inflamed acne). Diseases called fifth disease and sixth disease are much less common. These will be discussed separately in the future. As for the fourth disease, it is no longer a disease by itself. The red section will explain this issue/ismail.

Measles is a very contagious disease. Statistics show that ninety percent of the hundred children in contact with measles have been infected with the disease. It causes a virus in the disease and passes directly to the patient. As in some illnesses, it is not possible for a healthy person to take a virus from the patient and infect him without illness, that is, as a carrier. Since the measles virus can not survive in the outside world, it will die when a patient is moved to a health care facility. However, carriers can be around the hospital, for example if a nurse leaves the bed of an infant and quickly goes to the bed of someone who is not measurable, the virus can infect the disease before it has yet to die. This detail is an important point; Because many mothers give way to the pediatric smoker. Do not do this unfairly; There is no possibility of the measles virus being carried home from home.
As for the signs and development of the infant: The incubation period lasts about two weeks. During this time there is no clinical sign. This is followed by a pre-sickness period of two to three days. This is called the prodromal period in the medical language. In prodromal period, fever is high in child, there is cough; The nose flows. There is inflammation in the eyelids. The light disturbs the eyes. In fact, the measles virus enters the human body only through the membrane layer that connects the conjunctiva, the eyeball, to the eyelids. There are also statements that are more difficult to diagnose. These are small spots on the anterior level of the mucous membranes of the inner mucous membranes. These patterns may not always be seen. These stains, which resemble mini-scale lime deposits, are called «Spinning stains».
In the third step, the characteristic apnea of ​​my daughter appears on the skin. These are small spots that have a small / red, vague elevation and can combine with each other to bring out the bigger anklet. These pimples spread from the back of the ear to the face and body in a very short time, within a few hours. The appearance of specks is called «spilling». With the eruption the fire also begins to fall; It disappears after 34 days. At the end of the first week, all the civilians have disappeared. Some families will be taken out after this period even if they do not contact the child with other children. This is a big mistake. The patient should stay home for at least two weeks, beginning with the first symptoms of the illness. However, if this child is finally sent to the child, he or she will be prevented from having diseases such as bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and infecting his friends with measles.
Usually a measles child is kept very hot. Of course it is a good thing to protect the child from cold because the disease can easily turn into pneumonia. However, it is important to remember that protecting from cold does not mean overwhelming. Wool clothing, fold-up blankets, additional electric stoves, etc. Raise the child's fever and make it sweat. Sweat weakens the body, reduces resistance and leads to the development of an environment suitable for taking other diseases.
Another common fear is the fear of infecting measles with very small, three or four month old babies. In the first few months, however, babies are infected with measles virus. Because children often develop immunity to this disease. In fact, ninety percent of the women who gave birth had measles in their childhood. In other words, the body has immune systems against the madness. These are passed to the child through the placenta during pregnancy and the child comes with immune bodies against the child in the world. They are effective for several months; That is, the child has several months of immunity against the child. Of course, this is not the case for children whose mothers have not already had measles; Because their mother has no immune system to pass on to them.
There is no effect on the measles virus treatment of measles. The treatment aims to protect only the measles and other diseases that may occur later.
In the child who is kept on the ranch, the immune system against the child comes to the water.

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