Showing posts with label Antispasmodic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antispasmodic. Show all posts

Sunday 5 February 2017

First aid in Children - First aid at Home

Children Should seek Medical help Immediately

It is a well-known fact that both adults and children should seek medical help immediately in the event of serious and immediate danger/ismail.
However, most of the time there is no health officer during such an event, the danger may grow during the time to seek a health care professional or to take the patient (anyone who has been caught) to the first aid service of the nearest hospital. For this reason, while waiting for the doctor to come, it is appropriate to apply the necessary first treatment at home. The methods of this first treatment are very simple. But with these simple methods based on common sense, very good results are obtained. Of course, the first condition for such a first treatment to be done at home is to have a drugstore in the house. )