Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2017

What to do to cut the baby from the breast

Baby was removed from the mother's breast

It is a good idea to determine exactly what it means before you take care of the ways of cutting off the memorial, its rules. In the past, this statement meant that only the baby was removed from the mother's breast. In other words, cutting from the breast meant the introduction of another food instead of mother's milk. This term, which is appropriate for breastfeeding infants, is usually used today to mean initiating a nutritional regime that is not the primary milk of the passing baby, that is, the babies who pass the milk-spawning phase. Since this transition points to a specific turning point, it is appropriate to take measures. Because the mixing of milk and flour is not regarded as a fundamental change. Though the bottle is left here to feed with the spoon, the actual separation between the two is not much. Because it is the darkening of the food gradually. It is such a regime
The condensation of the foods does not require the spoon to be used continuously. This nutrition way is part of the spoon, partly because the bottle is still a difficult way for the baby.
In the first few months of adding supplements, the first soup, which means an entirely different way of feeding, can only be introduced in the sixth month/ismail.

Saturday 8 July 2017

Preparing baby foods

 Baby who needs 100 calories for himself

It is necessary to calorie a certain amount in order for the young child to grow and develop in a regular and balanced manner. In this calorie or, in other words, this energy provides the child with various foods. However, it should not forget that the nutrients are evenly distributed among the three main groups, namely proteins, oils and carbohydrates. A baby who needs 100 calories for himself, this 100 calories/ismail.

Monday 3 July 2017

Nutrition until the beginning of the course

Nutritional status now becomes quite diverse

In the previous period, the child was fed only with milk; If not the basis of the nutritional system is milk. Milk is a complete food that can meet almost all the needs of that age child. When the twelfth month is reached, the gradual changes are the result, and there are now quite a few plant and animal food types in the child's food regime. These varieties are both more delicious; As well as a more even distribution of various nutrients; Richer in vitamins and minerals. However, this does not mean that a baby who is one year old is free all the time and is able to eat everything that the elders eat. There are so many foods, many drinks that will not be given to such a small child. As these years progress, they will be given to the child gradually. However, the exercise of these new nutrients may be so gradual that the child's organism can be taught to digest various mixed nutrients without compromising digestive imbalances that may lead to future mental disorders/ismail.