Showing posts with label Milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milk. Show all posts

Tuesday 11 July 2017

What to do to cut the baby from the breast

Baby was removed from the mother's breast

It is a good idea to determine exactly what it means before you take care of the ways of cutting off the memorial, its rules. In the past, this statement meant that only the baby was removed from the mother's breast. In other words, cutting from the breast meant the introduction of another food instead of mother's milk. This term, which is appropriate for breastfeeding infants, is usually used today to mean initiating a nutritional regime that is not the primary milk of the passing baby, that is, the babies who pass the milk-spawning phase. Since this transition points to a specific turning point, it is appropriate to take measures. Because the mixing of milk and flour is not regarded as a fundamental change. Though the bottle is left here to feed with the spoon, the actual separation between the two is not much. Because it is the darkening of the food gradually. It is such a regime
The condensation of the foods does not require the spoon to be used continuously. This nutrition way is part of the spoon, partly because the bottle is still a difficult way for the baby.
In the first few months of adding supplements, the first soup, which means an entirely different way of feeding, can only be introduced in the sixth month/ismail.

Friday 7 July 2017

Feeding of children under one year old

 Child completes an age but milk is given less and less diluted

In the previous sections, the nutritional system to be applied to infants until the age of one was examined in detail. It may be very useful to identify these foods in a more detailed way by stating clearly how much of these nutrients the baby's organism needs will be given at various stages. However, while nutrition is considered as schematized, it should not forget the share of being able to go out of this festival for various reasons (possibilities, baby's personal tendencies, etc.).
Or semi-diluted cow's milk, or 10% of the so-called "semi-organic" variety, and usually cow's milk soda or mothers' milk cow's milk, which is about 13% dark.
From the eighth day to the end of the first month (1st month): Number of daily meals: 6.
Amount: 150180 gr per child's weight. Mother's milk (200 gr. If not mother's milk)
6 food divided into hours/ismail.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Development of Legs

Every mother is very interested in the baby's

Every mother is very interested in the baby's legs and feet, and they are sick about them/ismail.
 Much of the applications made to pediatricians are related to their parents' suspicions and fears. Although many things can be said in this regard, it will be sufficient to respond to the most frequently asked questions about orthopedics.