Tuesday 7 February 2017

Development of Legs

Every mother is very interested in the baby's

Every mother is very interested in the baby's legs and feet, and they are sick about them/ismail.
 Much of the applications made to pediatricians are related to their parents' suspicions and fears. Although many things can be said in this regard, it will be sufficient to respond to the most frequently asked questions about orthopedics.

Milk child's legs can be X or O shaped. This curvature brings immediate racism to your parents' mind. Rachitism is also a skeletal developmental disorder. Nutrition and general health conditions may be the result of impairment as well as heritability. Racitic children are often without appetite. Wet and breathe their skin as they sweat so much. They have a general nervousness. There is a decrease in fat and edema. The skulls also show disturbances. Binges do not close: The chest bones also show various disorders. Racism is an important disorder that will affect the whole life of the child. But it can be cured. Only the physician can decide if a bone spine is rickets. Therefore, using vitamins and medicines other than doctor's advice for the fear of rickets will harm the child instead of benefit.
Curved legs do not inflame the mother. Milk child's legs curve. Fa-, it should not be seen as abnormal. This is normal during the daughters of childhood; It is a physiological condition. Milk is shorter in the child than in the elders, considering the total length of the legs and body. As the trunk and head are so large, the general appearance of the dairy child is dull and stunted compared to the adult. In addition to this rate change, the newborn child's legs appear curved. The degree of curvature is small in some children and some in children. Curvature is straight. Your baby's two spouses resemble Ö letter. This situation is improved when the child is two years old. Legs u-dice and kneecaps turn inward with the calf.

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