Saturday 4 February 2017

Neurological-Psychological Development of the Child

An Examination of the Child

An examination of the child's neuro-psychic neuro-psychological development is more difficult than the study of structural development/ismail.
Because there is a measure to show what is normal and what is abnormal, so there is a judgment about the development of the hand. However, the definition of normal and abnormal in the spiritual area is more slippery. Because of the complexity of the so-called mental function (or psychic function), many elements enter into the structure of many uncertainties. Their measurement and evaluation is the specialty.

Neurological-psychological development of the child

However, despite all this, researchers, psychologists, pedagogues have sought an order in the child's spiritual structure, have identified a number of stages; A set of classifiable, measurable basic looks. The child's intelligence is assessed according to his mobility, his ability to adapt (perceptual compliance, using his / her hands, speaking, briefly taking advantage of experiments), language, personal and social behavior,

As these basic aspects of the child's mental behavior change and develop according to age, they can all be evaluated together and a clear picture of the child's level of intelligence can be drawn.

However, when the child's intelligence is being assessed, this assessment should always be done by investigating what intelligence leads to. Disorders in the behavior of the child's behavior may affect the way he or she reacts to the environment; It may even shake your intelligence.
Intelligence measurement and Z.B. Z.B. And a number. These letters are the initials of the words of intelligence. The intelligence measure shows the child's intelligence age, the number that comes out of his or her own living quarters. What is the age of intelligence? A number of intelligence aids made on thousands of children from various ages 0 to 14, and as a result of their experiments, researchers have divided children's intelligence into a number of steps. The tests they have done are in accordance with the ages of four years that have been emphasized in previous chapters. Thus it has been determined at what age mental development should be, for example, that a six-month-old baby should be able to meet certain attitudes, which can be played with wooden boxes that are capable of doing certain team movements. This level was determined at the end of experiments on thousands of children over six months. When information is available on this level, a series of tests are conducted on a six-cigarette baby who wants to learn intelligence; In these tests, you go from hard to hard, to the level that your baby is not going to make, and can not come from above. However, the child is not distracted during the test. If the child stops in the pre-determined level test for the six-month-old baby, Z.B. 6; 6 = 1 d i r is called. If the child's mental development is, in other words, the age of intelligence, under his or her age, Z.B.

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