Monday 6 February 2017

Oedipus Complex

The Oedipus story in Greek Mythology

The language of science, whatever country it is, is filled with words from Latin and Greek/ismail.
Beside these words, there are also names derived from the mythology of the Ancient Age, especially the mythology of the psychology language has many words and names. The most famous of these is the term "oedipus complex". The oedipus story in Greek mythology is known to almost everybody. The king of Tebai wants to kill his son oedipus as a minisite because a priest said he would be killed by his own son in one day. The person responsible for killing oedipus turns to the saddle, leaving him on the mount and in the mountains, and he grows up without knowing who is the child of oedipus. He kills the Tebai king he does not know is his father, he marries the queen who does not know he is his mother. The Greek tragedy writer Sofocles (the 5th century BC) immortalized this story with the famous play «King Oedipus». Here, in psychoanalysis, the childhood special situation is called the "Oedipus complex" in that it does not end in a certain period but creates serious imbalances even in adult age.

What is the Oedipus complex? According to the scheme that Sigmund Freud and his followers have designed and developed, the Oedipus complex is a little conscious, largely unconscious love that a child hears about a boy, a mother, a girl and a fathernd the age of 5. (Some psychoanalysts use the term "electric complex" for the girl.) The Oedipus complex shows its most prominent lines arou
The first condition necessary for this situation is to enter the stage when the child notices the structural separation between the male and female bodies. The boy sees that between 2 and 4 years old his mother and sister do not resemble him, his father resembles himself, a stronger appearance. This sensation leads the boy to jealous of his father, not to be like him. At the same time, the child thinks about something else. Very small, the child sees himself as a whole with the mother. She is more connected to her as she senses that her mother is a separate entity. After a while, she does not see her mother as a separate personality, she is not a center for this personality, her father is more important in that personality, she is the father of the person who plays the main role. The child has now discovered the emotional bonds that connect his mother and father. This invention is equivalent to losing the mother for her; Because he can not think of competitors, competitors, partners in that age. The person or object you love just wants to be yours. The father is now someone who took his mother away for his son.

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