Saturday 4 February 2017

Baby Mind Development

A newborn child

A newborn child is accustomed to the outside world, which is a slow, heavy tempo, surrounding itself/ismail.
This external duck is the parts of the body that the subject around the child, the clitoris, slowly notice, but can not spare, from his foreign objects.

The most typical reflexes (walking arms reflexes, Babinsky reflexes, etc.) were discussed in the previous chapters as they focused on the nervous system of the newborn child and the infant during the first month. In this section, we will focus on the so-called Brunet-Lezine test, a test that measures psychomotor development in the first childhood, or more precisely, the use of this test as a measure.
The tests carried out during this period of life have only a proportional value; Does not go forward from showing an orientation in general terms. For this reason, parents who have measured the degree of psycho-motor development of the child should consider this point.

The infant who has filled a month has come to be able to make some movements. We can list them as follows:

A) If it is based on a sit-down position, it may lift the intercostal head; But of course it is only for a few seconds.

B) It may lift the head from time to time, even if trembling when lying face down.

C) The legs, which are usually in a curved corridor, begin to make several climbing movements when the prone is laid.

D) If the infant is laid on his back and a plastic ring of vibrant color (red, blue, etc.) is swaying slowly and regularly on his head, an attention is paid to the baby. It is seen that he takes his gaze from side to side and brings it back to the same side so that he watches the movement of the ring as well.

E) In a place where he can not see, he reacts immediately to a rocking nod.

F) He can keep his gaze on the face of anyone who looks at himself, who is examining himself, for a while.

G) When a large human finger is placed in the hand, this finger can tighten strongly, but usually it does not open the hand and leave a finger.

H) In a baby of one month, the language, that is, the voice narration, goes no further than just a few small loud noises.

I) If the baby cries during the examination, the examiner stops crying as he approaches or hears his voice.

K) When they see the bottle from a distance, they start their sucking movements. This is a conditional reflex based on visual perception.

One month later, that is, when you are two months old, your baby's talents show a more detailed, more cutting-edge situation. New talents also emerge. A general judgment is made on the development of the baby's psychomotor by carefully observing behaviors at the end of a month since the first review, the main features of the end of the second month.

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