Sunday 5 February 2017


Microtubes can Spread from the Tonsils

They become the nest of microbes that stop and multiply. In this case, tonsils are a dangerous formation; Because they became the focus of fire/ismail.
Microtubes can spread from the tonsils to various parts of the body. Streptococci are the most common microtubules that are placed in tonsils. Glo-merulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Streptococcus is one of the most effective diseases. If an organ initially charged with protecting the organism is in the position of fire-fighting, it means that it has overcome its harmful quality. There is no other way than to take them away.

The problem of tonsils is not simple enough to fit around a small text like this. However, it is still useful to consider the main lines. The protruding cuts are called the tonsils in the vertical cuts that descend to the back of the drop, or in the height of the lymph tissue in the root of the tongue or in the upper part of the tongue. Tonsils are mothers whose parents struggle quite a bit.

Parents are uncertain whether the tonsils are beneficial or harmful. Some argue that the burning of inflammation, which is likely to lead to rheumatism, heart and kidney diseases, is the absolute removal of tonsils. Others say the tonsils are a guard against many infectious diseases.

First, let's take a look at why many people have had to take their tonsils. In fact, the tonsils are not only harmless, but they are also touchable. Their benefits are to act as guardians to prevent dust, disease agents, other harmful assets from coming into the air and entering the body. But if the tonsils are loaded with an extremely difficult task, they will be flared, the bottles, at the beginning of the respiratory tract.

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