Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts

Friday 23 June 2017

Whooping cough and mumps

cough is always present

After rash, the two most common diseases in children are pertussis and mumps.
It is not a virus, but a bacterium, that gives the strangler the "cock cough" in our language and the "dog cough" in some western languages. The incubation period of this bacterium called «Hemophilus pertussis» lasts about two weeks. At the end of this period, symptoms specific to the disease arise. There are three round trips when the manifestations are self-evident. The first period is the period of flu; During this period, cough is always present and coughing from the larynx is hardly possible. Since the disease is not well understood, infection is most common during this period. Mothers and fathers do not take any precautions, assuming that the child has had a minor cough. In this period, however, it is necessary to separate the child from his friends and not send it to the nest or to the school. Fifteen days later, the coughing characteristic of the strangulation is revealed. The child has a long breath before each cough/ismail.