Friday 23 June 2017

Whooping cough and mumps

cough is always present

After rash, the two most common diseases in children are pertussis and mumps.
It is not a virus, but a bacterium, that gives the strangler the "cock cough" in our language and the "dog cough" in some western languages. The incubation period of this bacterium called «Hemophilus pertussis» lasts about two weeks. At the end of this period, symptoms specific to the disease arise. There are three round trips when the manifestations are self-evident. The first period is the period of flu; During this period, cough is always present and coughing from the larynx is hardly possible. Since the disease is not well understood, infection is most common during this period. Mothers and fathers do not take any precautions, assuming that the child has had a minor cough. In this period, however, it is necessary to separate the child from his friends and not send it to the nest or to the school. Fifteen days later, the coughing characteristic of the strangulation is revealed. The child has a long breath before each cough/ismail.

It makes a sound like a gentleman. Overheating and long coughing; The seizure seems to be drowned at the end; There is even a slight morass on the face. Vomiting often occurs when the seizure is over. If the child is in a tight state, he removes the cuddles; If you open it, it will produce sputum in abundant quantity. The seizure comes 10-20 times a day, most nights. This period lasts for fifteen days. This follows the third and last period. This period of decline is the period of weakening, cough epilepsy, diminishes day by day with the general qualities remaining the same, mildly disappears gradually. It is not clear how long this third period will last. However, it can be said that it lasts for about 15-20 days. In this case, it is considered that the sucker is 1.5-2 months of age when all are considered. During all this time the child is unadulterated and often weak and sluggish for vomiting. With strengthening medications, vitamins can return to their old condition very soon. For this reason, pertussis is an unpleasant condition, but not a dangerous disease. However, very small babies are dangerous for infants, especially for children aged 4-5 months. New born children do not suffer from other childhood diseases, but they do not have immune responses to strangulation. If a 4-5 month-old child is trapped in a pertussis, often a very heavy bronchopneumonia and sometimes very significant bleeding follow. Already during smallpox attacks, there may be small blebs in the lower eyelid and in the transparent layer. They also have no danger; They are spontaneous hemorrhages. However, in the newborn child, all the vascular vessels in the infant are very kind. During a cough episode, a small internal vessel may break; Which leads to bleeding in his brain.
A variety of ways have been considered and practiced in the treatment of whooping cough. Various methods have been tried, ranging from lapping the child on a flying plane to taking it somewhere in the mountain for a while. In fact, the only treatment is antibiotic therapy. Two types of antibiotics are used for this purpose. These are chlorfenicol and streptomycin.

The child brings his face closer to the funnel mouth of this device. From here, airborne antibiotic particles penetrate into the lungs. This kind of, if not other, antibiotic treatments does not change the course of the disease very much, but alleviates the side difficulties that it may take. In the meantime, all kinds of cough remedies that are used in the cough can be given in the pertussis. But most of the time these effects are not very important.
After a child is cured for a long time, each cough is characterized by pertussis coughing; This sometimes takes up to six months.
At the beginning of the protection road bead comes a pertussis vaccination. In the meantime, it should be noted that there are three separate microbes that cause strangulation, and that each one is only immune to its species. For this reason, it may be the case that anyone who catches the same strangler three times is rarely the same.
The mumps called parotid on the scientific ground make a virus. Inflammation caused by the virus in the ear under the salivary glands, undergrowth and jaw under
In your nappies. Any other microbes may cause the subarachnoid saliva to inflate, but it is not called mumps.

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