Wednesday 21 June 2017

What is the vaccination schedule

Vaccination schedule to prevent any inconveniences
Sof I and Sabin, the children's philosophical graces, and these are the first vaccinations of babies, so it was mentioned in the previous chapters that it is of social importance. However, other vaccines are less useful and less important than these vaccines. It is useful to always keep a schedule called the vaccination schedule to prevent any inconveniences. However, it is correct to note that this fiction is of general quality and that it can be modified in this scheme, taking into account the individual circumstances of each child and the qualities of the surrounding environment. Whoever decides on these changes is a pediatrician/ismail.

The above scheme has been prepared in accordance with the usual vaccination regime in many countries. In many countries children who are not vaccinated are not admitted to nurseries, kindergartens, schools and other child groups, and can not travel to foreign countries.
The infant, called the "dual vaccine," is started after the child poliovirus vaccine has been administered, ie after the baby has been pushed into the seventh month. This vaccination is due to the existence of two different types of toxins within the cause of the binary. Of course, one of these toxins belonging to the other tetanus, the diphtheria, has both been brought into harmless condition by special physical and chemical processes. The vaccine is given in two equal doses between the muscle and one month apart. As can be seen in the vaccination calendar, the vaccine is carried out once again after one and a half years. This last vaccination is called the vaccine or booster again. With this again enough, it can be advised to repeat it every two to three years until the child enters the teens period. Thus, the body's dif- ference and especially the children of the school age play games, bicycle races, and so on. Resistance against the danger of tetanus that they may encounter while doing so.
There is no danger of a divalent tetanus vaccine, which is a divalent mixed vaccine; It does not create any danger; Does not lead to a set of special reactions. Sometimes the fever goes up a few dizyem, but it goes away without treatment. There may be slight H collection of water around the injection site and skin frying. Anneler must not be fooled by this. Because this vaccine is a substance that is absorbed heavily; It takes time for the tissue to penetrate deep into the organism. If a fairy tale is made around the needle site with a light cream, this problem also goes away.
If you wish, you can also participate in this double vaccination with pertussis vaccination. This is called a trivalent vaccine; Three times instead of two and again through the needle. Usually this vaccine is sold as three ampoules in a box in the pharmacy; Each ampule has a mixture of three vaccines. In the case of this triple vaccination, the whole vaccination schedule is taken one month ahead.
The pertussis vaccine has not been compulsorily practiced anywhere. For this reason, most of the time the doctor is asked whether it should be done or not. Physicians' opinions on this subject are changing. It is important to note that whooping cough vaccine is most useful for young infants who are able to carry germs from home and from school to their infants. Whooping cough is a dangerous disease for the mini minis, with little or no subsequent effect in slightly grown children. Therefore, for infants who can survive such a danger, the vaccination schedule can be changed to take the triple vaccine forward and then pass on to the child paralysis vaccine. If there is no danger of infection, the pertussis may be abandoned; Because it is just the one who shoots in the three mentioned vaccines. However, despite the fever, there is no real danger of pertussis vaccination.
As for flower overgrowth, it seems that many parents are against this vaccine. For this reason, the doctor is most often asked to send a fake vaccine for this vaccine or to report that it is "impossible to vaccinate for health reasons". This behavior is very wrong. This vaccine protects our country from the blossoming of flowers. The flower bud is made by pouring a drop of diluted vaccine into the skin by drawing the left arm with a small graft knife. It can also be done with a needle. Today, in many civilized countries, it is a fact that there is no flower disease, but if the vaccination is abandoned, terrible disease can spread again as a result of tourism and trade associations.

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