Thursday 1 June 2017

Baby movements

Baby makes movements by itself

A new-born baby makes movements by itself; These initial movements can be considered sufficient. These movements need to be as abundant as the capacity of your baby's clothing to be able to be done without trouble. Stiff things like bandages, belts, over thick and heavy covers, blanks prevent the baby's movements. Apart from these, the baby should be careful how to lie down in a cramped, uncomfortable manner, two to three months. To ease the movements of the baby, the cradle, the lying posture, the bedding should change frequently, should be able to freely move freely by leaving the nude all the time for 5-10 minutes several times a day. Removing the nappies attached to the leg as early as possible from the elbow and wearing pants or overalls is also useful for ensuring the comfort of your movements. Thus, when the child is dressed, the horses are able to move quite comfortably.When the child starts to have real gymnastics, the question is often asked. Even if the child is caught in his arms, his muscles are enough to make the necessary movements. It may not be necessary to have gymnastics for a child who is greatly loved by his mother or other relatives. Nevertheless, there are no inconveniences to have children get gymnastics these months. On the contrary, the child gets used to some movements easily from the first months/ismail.

In the first few months, the first efforts of the baby should be directed to straighten the head. This movement moves the neck and nape muscles. It is then ensured that the back muscles are activated. The last thing he learned to do was trying to stand by running leg muscles. If the baby is wearing tight, narrow, heavy things, and is constantly left in the bed, all of these movements become difficult if the gold is replaced in the bed of the mavnida. No stimulation will properly activate the muscles of the child in the absence of any stimulation; As a result it is delayed in acquiring various mobility abilities. In fact, muscle hypotonia (weakness) and hypotrophy (shrinkage) are seen even though infants whose labor is not considered to be working their muscles are rarely encountered. However, these are rarely seen in children growing up in the family. More children are found, orphans are raised in orphaned children. In addition, there is a likelihood of delaying the onset of muscular dystrophy in sick children who need to stay in bed permanently for one reason or another. In organizations such as orphanages and hospitals, lack of personnel prevents children from being adequately cared for, that is, the stimulation of their muscles, the fulfillment of the need to act. This can also happen with very young families whose parents are unable to deal with the smallest baby. A similar situation can also be seen in the children of mothers who are very few at home due to their work, who avoid much of the child's embrace with a false "discipline" idea.

The only remedy for immobility is gymnastics. If the baby is spontaneous, it is appropriate to have some gymnastic movements. They must be in a regular fashion. This gymnastic baby can be started for about four months. The most appropriate time is to choose the pipe immediately after. At that time, the muscles can relax easily under the effect of hot water, so baby movements can be easily applied. It is good that these movements are always done by the same person. In this way, you can closely observe the baby's progress, It can decide when new movements will be added. The tempo of movements should be regular and heavy. In fact, it is best to adapt these movements to a sentence, a slow, slow song sequence, a song, which is said with a low voice. If this rhyme is often unchanged, it creates a regular relationship between the baby and the actor, and creates some sort of conditional reflex, which helps the baby to make a psychological contribution to the physical movements.
The general technique of the gymnast is that it should be placed naked on the baby bed and so on. It would be best if the summer exercises were done in the open air. Initially these studies should be done very briefly, the child should not be exhausted and angry. Over time, these gym times can be extended slightly; But never at least fifteen minutes. There are various methods of gymnastics for the infant. Common to all is to pass passive movements to the baby first and then to active movements when it comes to cooperating with the child. There is no point in passing through active movements before the child has reached a situation where he or she is able to cooperate with the person who is making these movements.

In advanced countries, milk specialist gynecology is performed by specialists in hospitals. However, it is common practice to have gymnastics at home by the mother or any other person. Because some of the movements required do not require the presence of an expert, many of the movements can be done with great ease by the mother.

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