Wednesday 7 June 2017

Benefits of open air

The open air for the newborn child

The open air for the new-born child is of great importance in the first months. It is a well-known fact that people who are not already out in the open air and are unable to receive direct sunlight are more easily caught in many diseases than others, such as rickets. This disease, which is caused by the absence of vitamin D, depends on whether or not to take the sun's rays; Because D vitamins only form under some kind of ultraviolet rays called Dorno rays. If any object, a window glass, enters between the person and the sun's rays, this event can not take place, meaning that vitamin D can not form. For vitamin D to form, the baby must face direct sunlight/ismail.

For this reason, it is not enough for the baby to get out into the open air; It is also necessary to have very little clothing on it at the same time. This is a point that should be adopted as a general rule, not just to protect against racism. The baby should adapt the gentle structure to external conditions, changes of seasons. This should be regarded as a kind of process, such as "training the moior" (rodaj). It is interesting that some nations who lived in ancient times should leave their children outdoors in order to raise their children healthy. These nations have learned this fact in one way or another, even though they do not have today's knowledge.
Attention should be given to the first navigations and attention should be paid to their needs. When the baby is 20 days old, it can be taken to the first ride by car. However, the winter child should be careful not to be outside the temperature -10 degrees outside. In cold regions your baby needs to be removed in the hottest, sunny hours. This should be avoided from rain, extreme cold and the most foggy and windy weather on the first trips. Damp bodies in fog and especially in big cities - dust they carry are very harmful in that they inject microbes with chemical substances and microbes into the respiratory tract of the baby.

When the first trips are a few minutes in the beginning, the child is lengthened as you get used to traveling regularly; It could be an hour or even longer.

During the appropriate seasons, ie the first and the last baby can be left open for two or three hours. It would be very helpful to have this in the car. Because the car protects the child from the wind, cold and light of the lamp. Infants who are laid without a car near the lamp can see fry on the inside of the eyelid. When the sun is strong, the car should not close the blind too much. Closure, especially if the bellows is plastic and dark, causes excessive sweating, resulting in baby's sweating.

It is also important to choose the streets to be visited. Shaded roads, gardens, parks are the best places, especially areas with greenery are useful for air cleanliness. Avoid dusty, crowded, traffic-intensive streets. This should also be done to prevent the baby from getting dirty air, but also to be annoyed with extreme noise. However, in large cities the ideal conditions for babysitting are getting smaller and smaller. When closing the house because there is no suitable place, it is best to visit there every day and every season, except for the foggy and windy weather, even for the cold of winter. This kind of habit to be obtained at a young age is useful for the child to show a healthy development at an older age.

It is also of special importance to be dressed on the trip. Clothing in the summer is not a problem. Pediatricians and educators should teach young mothers "how to rob" rather than "how to dress them". It is known that babies wear too much in our country. Some mothers say that the child "touched" the air, from the pain of the abdomen, and so on. They are afraid. Those who suffer from these diseases are also the babies of their mothers. The reason for this is the extreme diligence they show in this regard, that is, they should dress the baby in layers and cause them to sweat and get cold. However, children wear clothes as little as possible. There is a jacket, a shirt, short pants and a light jacket with plenty of maneuverability. The evening series should have a sweater underneath for a change of temperature or an unexpected temperature. When the air is cold, this sweater is put on the child and the negative effects that the change of the HCI can bring on the body are prevented.
In the winter the dairy should be well covered. To protect the ears from cold, wear a woolen hood. Wearing gloves on the wool is also necessary for the protection of the hands. On the coldest days the baby can be inserted into a wool "bag". In addition to this, you should also put a hot water section (boiler, thermoreform) on the floor. However, as soon as the «infancy» period is over, the baby is ready to face the open air, meet the nature directly. Except for extreme colds, it is not right for the child to wear long trousers and layer wool. Even in the snow, children can play with their legs open so that the winter sun can be used. This stimulates circulation in the arms and legs.

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