Thursday 15 June 2017

First reading

Books on school age will not be discussed

In this section, books on school age will not be discussed, but rather the impulsive child will be interested in the news from outside the world. These impulsions awaken the child to learn new things. New information may also be described around the child as it is read directly. Problems with reading occur before school age. When the child begins to be interested in telling a fairy tale and story, or a real or fictitious event, he is interested in reading/ismail.

Tales are of great importance in this regard. The child knows a fairy tale long before he learns to read. The step-child is the parent, and often the grandparent tells the grandfather. The tales go from generation to generation; Almost never changes. Recently, fairy tales have been made in addition to illustrated fairy tale books. Sounds, noises and music combine to create a more vibrant environment in which fairy tales pass. Of course the benefits of this system are great. The child is thus stimulated in various ways. The story becomes more vivid, improving the ability of the child to call and combine.
It is not harmful for today's parents to tell the children of the occasions they have been enthusiastically heard. However, you need to choose the masks. There are many terrible things in them, and on the other hand the result which will be deduced from the fairy tale is sometimes wrong with morality. Most importantly, the fairytale heroes are some who are fearful. It is necessary to subtract the children from the worlds of the witches, the hopeless, the children. This is a very important point. Because the child loves masks and at some point in his life, that is, at the age of 2 to 4, sometimes later, the fairy tale can not distinguish reality from reality. For this reason, the events he listens to and fuses with his own imagination are real values ​​for him. That's why he likes to have kids. Fairy tale is a part of life ready for the child under your hand. Although the horrible people of fairy tales come to the place, "child fairy tale", the child sees horrible people as real. Fear of the night, rage in the dark, troublesome situations like this, adversely affect the development of the child.

If the significance of the stories for the little listeners is known, it is better understood, for example, how dangerous the "finger boy" story is for them. Finger children's table, which puts gigantic, gigantic girls who have swallowed children in place of their own siblings and feeds them to their fathers, harms children very much.

Psychoanalysts argued that the satellites of the most famous tales arise from the common unconscious fears of mankind.

Picture novels are also an important problem in child education. The child's next term starts at four, and lasts until about fourteen, or even later. This period is the period of picture novels. Already picture novels are read today by children alone, not by newcomers but by elders. This issue is not an important issue. However, if most of the child's time is spent reading and mixing the illustrated novel, your parents should be cared for. Such a situation reveals that the child is very enclosed, wants to return to a closed world, dreams alone, dreams that he can not empty the game-dream power with his soul.

To prevent this phenomenon, it is useless to block the picture novels in order to keep the child away from the people. The situation is not a picture novel; The illustrated novel is an indication of the desire to withdraw into the abnormal child. To look for the kind of gesture that needs to be done is to draw the child's attention to other directions, to give more effective directions to the inner ones who can not get out of the way.
If the child's behaviors are normal and play like other children, there is nothing wrong with giving a few hours to picture novels from time to time. However, he should avoid the murders and illustrated novels about stories. However, forbidding them without any justification gives the opposite result. The child then begins to secretly take such picture novels and read them. In short, it is necessary to choose publications suitable for the child's age. Already, there is no educational or educational purpose of the novel. It is necessary to accept them as police novels that they read to spend time so that the elders may change occasionally. Accepting them as teaching tools or literatures is a way to place these publications above their values.

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