Thursday 22 June 2017

Child polio vaccine

Children are obliged by law to be vaccinated

Among vaccinations administered to children, child polio {poliomielit} vaccination is more emphasized. There are three reasons for this. Of these, the vaccine is the first vaccination of the child; Secondly, parents should be undecided about this vaccine; And the third is the great importance of the child phallus/ismail.

The child's paralytic spinal cord or the spinal nerves move to a conclusion that their cells are under the influence of a virus. There are three types of small viruses that lead to the child's paralysis. Viruses enter through the body by breathing or by swallowing after hand or mouth infection. Out of ninety-five percent of paralyzed patients, there is a virus. Some robust people may also be virus carriers. The viruses that are swallowed in the body are spread to the whole body by entering the blood and lymphatic channels through the food. In the central nervous system, they are distributed along the nerve pathways, and in various cases they move to the neurons in the spinal cord and brain.
When the virus effect is mild, the tissues are spontaneously immunized. More serious symptoms include flu, fever, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and restlessness.
There are two varieties of polio vaccination practiced today. A few years ago, until the present, a vaccine was applied which was killed by chemical-physical means of killed virus. This vaccine, which carries the name of Saik vaccine, constitutes the first step in the war against this terrible disease. During the researches carried out after the vaccination, vaccines prepared with viruses that were alive but not dangerous were found to have stronger immune bodies and a new vaccine was developed. After this meeting, the use of the attenuated vaccine vaccine, known as the Sabin vaccine, began.
The ways in which these two vaccines are given to the child are also separate. Saik vaccine is given to the body with a needle. Sabine is given orally by the vaccine. This is one of the reasons why the Sabin vaccine has spread so much.
When should the child be vaccinated? A child who has filled three months is in a position to make an immune system. That is, when a disease seed enters your body, it begins to produce the forces that will resist it; For this reason, child polio can be vaccinated. The vaccination should be done while the child is in the fourth month of life. Because it is necessary to prevent this disease from occurring as early as possible. First, three vaccinations are made at intervals of one month. However, the order of the vaccines does not match the order of the viruses given to each vaccine. In the first vaccine, vaccine number I, vaccine number III in the second vaccine, vaccine II in the third vaccine. There is a biological reason for not following the order. Children's paralysis can make three separate viruses. The child also needs to be overcome. These are separate entities. But virus number I and virus number II are very similar. If these are inoculated in succession, the effects may be mixed. The body can not bring immune body fruit to each other as much as the individual. There are quite a few other

Thus, the body will be recognized for one month before it produces a more or less identical immune body of the same kind. This point is very important. Often the person who does the vaccine forget to say it; Mothers are alarmed when they see a number that does not fit on the box after they have been vaccinated.
Like all other vaccines, oral polio vaccination is repeated intermittently (rapel vaccines). In order to be able to maintain the effect of the three vaccines being administered, one or more doses of vaccine should be given at certain times. The vaccine of all three types is given concurrently after the first series is finished, i.e. six months after the last vaccine prepared with the virus II. This is referred to as the "trivalent child policewoman". In this vaccine, there are three types of viruses that are given in the first line. This vaccine is given orally. Usually one year later the vaccination is repeated one more time. According to this situation, the Sabin vaccine is given five times in total. In many countries, children are obliged by law to be vaccinated. Non-certified children are not allowed to attend the nursery, kindergarten and school. The vaccine is carried out by the state in countries that do not have this obligation, while in Turkey, free of charge. However, if desired, a doctor may be consulted and paid in cash.
As for the side effects that may arise from vaccination; Many have been afraid of vaccination involving "live viruses", but this fear has been wasted, and it has been understood that Sabin vaccine is not harmless. But the vaccine is sometimes seen in the hot season or in children whose intestines are frequently broken, sometimes causing transient diarrhea and rarely fever. However, in a few days this fever falls. These are extremely rare events. In many cases, it is understood that the illness, which is thought to be childhood paralysis, has been passed on for another cause, or the state of being vaccinated has been under the influence of another virus. For this reason, the vaccinated child must be in a healthy condition, not infected with colds, chills, intestines.

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