Saturday 24 June 2017

What is the lung

Lung is a pair of large respiratory organ

Lung is a pair of large respiratory organ in the chest cavity of vertebrates who are breathing with air. In man, each of the lungs covered with a thin, cracked, so-called pleura is attached to the pulmonary atria and the lungs, and to the parenchyma of the main bronchi. Soft, light, spongy-rimy and flexible, there is normally some air in the lungs after birth. A healthy lung is crushed when it is compressed and floats when it is thrown into the water;
Whereas the lungs of diseased lungs and dead babies sink into the water/ismail.

In the interior of the lungs, there are bronchi, the pulmonary arteries and veins, and the hilus, where the lymph vessels enter the lungs, at the point that corresponds to two thirds of the distance between the base and the hill. After the main bronchus enters the lungs, 8-10 main branches are separated from each other by a number of small branches, each of which gradually falls below 1 cm in diameter. This branching system in the lungs resembles a head upside down. The bronchiole, the thinnest branch of the bronchial tree, ends up with very small air sacs, also known as alveoli (see air sacrifice). Intra-lung air spaces and carbon dioxide between capillaries and oxygen exchange occur in these air sacs.

Each lung is divided into lobes that separate from one another at the side of the ejaculate. Lobes are separated by themselves in hundreds of lobes. Each lobule is made up of a bronchial, anchored branches, clusters of air clusters, and a thin chest that covers all of them. Right lung three lobes; However, the heart has only two lobes in the left lung, as it stifles to the left at each shot and covers more volume on this side.

The lungs perform other bodily functions besides respiration. Water, and medicines can be absorbed and disposed of in this way. Normally about one liter of water is thrown out of breathing within a day. The absorption and disposal of anesthetic gases such as ether and nitrogen protoxide is also through the lungs. The local fat (lipid) can be stored in the cells of the air sacs, where it can be stored. Lungs store and metabolize glycogen, helping the carbohydrate metabolism of the liver.

A person without excessive physical activity uses only twenty-one of the surface of gas exchange in his lungs. The pressure inside the lung equals the atmospheric pressure. The lungs always stay somewhat bulged, due to the partial vacuum between the surrounding membrane and the membrane covering the inner surface of the chest cavity. The diaphragm (the muscle structure that separates the chest and the chest cavity) and the contraction of the muscle between the ribs, the air expands into the lungs with increasing negative pressure in the chest. Lungs frequently infect and injure themselves. Some infections make the organ useless by destroying very large areas in the lungs. Improved lung tissue turns into a supporting tissue, which does not function as a respiratory function. There was no evidence that lung tissue could regenerate itself once it had been destroyed.

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