Tuesday 20 June 2017

Newborn baby cleaning

Baby's body is wrapped with sterilized gauze

As is known, the umbilical cord connecting the approval to the baby is cut off by the midwife or doctor immediately after birth. This cut is made after the cord is strangled at a certain distance from the baby's body, typically at a distance of 10 centimeters. Strong silk yarn purified from microplasms by boiling in water or in alcohol during binding process, or rubber rings of approximately 2 centimeters in diameter are used. The rest of the baby's body falls dry after a while; This is called belly drop. It is necessary to pay great attention to the cleanliness of the belly button. Because this is a door where micros can enter freely/ismail.

 A local infection that occurs here can spread septicemia all over the body. Even today, in the death of newborn children, this kind of sickness holds a significant rate. The rapid spread of the infection is due to the fact that there are many veins in this area and therefore the blood vessels become channels of bacterial carrier. For this reason, the first objective to be observed in cleaning must be prevention of microbes. After the umbilical cord is cut, the rest of the baby's body is wrapped with sterilized gauze. 10 x 10 cm. 3-4 layers of gauze covered in the form of the core of the heart is curled up. The reason for the upward curl is to prevent the child from polluting the belly. If you pee, you will not only go to the environment with microplasma, but also delay the drying of your heart because it soaks the area. Thus, the navel is fixed to the stomach of the baby with a light cheeks. However, today a more flexible file is used. This cheesecloth or filet must be boiled before it is used and must be passed through hot iron. The above banding work should be done once a day; But if the cheesecloth is dirty with the child's stupidity, he should immediately change it. After the second day, the belly begins to dry, the color gradually becomes brown and hardens like a crust. It falls between the eighth and twelfth days; Small H remains wound; A thin crust over it; Then all will close. Belly thinking should be done with watered down (60 degree reduced) alcohol; But if this is not enough, it is referred to the way of cauterization. Sometimes a discharge can be seen in the bottom of the umbilical cord. Powdered antibiotics (mostly penicillin-based powders) can easily prevent this. Sometimes red and soft bloating can be seen. This is called «belly mantis». Every day, we must brand the belly mushroom with silver nitrate. Mothers should thoroughly wash their belly dressing before each opening and purify the micropots. Because if the hand cleaning the child is not sterilized or if it is not clean at all, all other measures will be wasted.
It is seen that this measure is usually not given as much importance. However, the fact that the hands that will touch the circumference of the umbilical cord is absolutely free from microorganisms, is an important rule in the last time and it must be strictly observed.
The baby does not get born, it makes the first breath. This is facilitated by the lack of oxygen for a while, ie, the removal of oxygen from the mother's abdomen is cut off the belly. But there is also something that makes this initial breathing difficult. This is due to the accumulation of slimy substances and omniotic fluid in the mouth, throat and nasal cavities. They need to be cleaned. This air, cleaned with the sponge fingers wrapped in a sterilized gauze, is now cleared of mucous and amniotic fluid with modem devices. With a small absorbent device, the mucus is withdrawn from the mouth of the baby. This device is a glass tube and has a part like a balloon. Suction can also be done by means of electricity, which may be in the mouth. Your baby's mouth does not get beat because a rubber tube has been passed after the tubing. The airways should be cleaned after birth. Baby's mini-nostrils can become clogged with mucus. In this case, the baby is hardly breathing, even breastfeeding becomes difficult; Which frightens the parents. With a soft, cotton-coated stick, the nostrils can be cleaned from the nose. If this cleaning is done before the food hours, the baby can comfortably suck the sucking motion and soak up the stomach. Nose drop is not given to babies as adults use. This is the worst since the baby can not help anyone who pours out the drop. Instead of these, pomades are used to dissolve the snub; Since the pomat tube is made of aluminum, this tip is no longer likely to hurt your baby's nose.

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