Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts

Sunday 23 April 2017

Working mother problems

Working mother problem is one of the unique problems of our time

The working mother problem is one of the unique problems of our time.Subject
should not take into account that her mother has to spend many hours outside the house under the economic factors of our time and therefore can not spend less time with her child. Another important aspect of the problem is the behavior of the working mother to her child, the psychological attitude. To further explain, for centuries, a woman who is a kind of «captive», dependent on a man in society, has had to accept the freedom in a hundred years and has begun to take a more conscious and responsible attitude towards the collective society she lives in. Today, women's rights are a recognized period. This trend, which was once rather abstruse, has led to the fact that the movement of granting equal rights to women as men is more beneficial to the society in which women live,
It is a current for benefit/ismail.