Sunday 23 April 2017

Working mother problems

Working mother problem is one of the unique problems of our time

The working mother problem is one of the unique problems of our time.Subject
should not take into account that her mother has to spend many hours outside the house under the economic factors of our time and therefore can not spend less time with her child. Another important aspect of the problem is the behavior of the working mother to her child, the psychological attitude. To further explain, for centuries, a woman who is a kind of «captive», dependent on a man in society, has had to accept the freedom in a hundred years and has begun to take a more conscious and responsible attitude towards the collective society she lives in. Today, women's rights are a recognized period. This trend, which was once rather abstruse, has led to the fact that the movement of granting equal rights to women as men is more beneficial to the society in which women live,
It is a current for benefit/ismail.

However, as in every case, it should not be forgotten that this ojay also has some negative aspects. Often women are confused by something that is not male equality, or equality of rights, and equality between men and women. The characteristics of women and their attitudes are different; Neither one is better nor the other; It is just separate. For this reason, the task that falls to the man is another, the woman who falls to the head.

This misunderstood "equality" of tasks has motivated the woman to consider himself mature and aware of the situation if she can keep herself in professions that can only be carried out in men's professions, with men, outside the home. The fact that it was a privilege for a man to be able to stay outside the house was also effective in this case. As a result of the woman's work, the woman gradually moved away from home work, working at home, raising children. Almost all the floors of the society have encountered this phenomenon; But this is more common in highly cultured environments. While the number of women working in factory work in agriculture and industry is decreasing, the number of civil servant women and self-employed women is increasing. This situation has several consequences.

His mother's work influences his psychological stance. Even though the number of working women may have decreased, it is true that in the last thirty or forty years, mothers have had less love than their old ones, and a low level of love has been seen. The working woman, the peasant woman, usually works under economic necessity, because she wants to equal the family budget and raise the level of family life. The main aim is to care for their children, to raise them well. Even if you stay away from home every day for a while, the emotional connection to your children is complete and continuous.

It is natural that the behavior of the mother to her children is different in the circles where she works to meet a spiritual requirement, not the way of making money. Your mother's interest is divided. The thing that psychologists call the potential of love is that various objects, work, children, personal needs, and so on. . There is also a sense of guilt because you can not fully fulfill your duty to children.

In a poll conducted a few years ago in Italy, women were asked whether they found enough time for their children to be satisfied with their children, and almost all of them were paid "inadequate". This answer, however, is enough to reveal the guilt for children whose emotional interest is low. However, it is important that researchers who are interested in the subject are more than the majority of the time allocated to the child, whether this time is full of affection and interest. It is unlikely that she has devoted so much time to her child, but during this time she always fulfills her mother's duty, who thinks her work, thinks about other schemes, and does not show any interest in her child.
Lack of interest and compassion of the mother gives bad results. One of the most talked-about topics in today's pedagogical circles is the consequences of lack of parental love in the mother. As a result, some children have anorexia, some have stubborn insomnia. It is also linked to the delay in saying some children's aptitude. Some children place old things, toys, animals instead of the mother's love they are missing. They will even take them to their beds. Even after they have lived that they have quit sucking the finger of a normal child, they will suck their fingers up to four or five years old, even afterwards, sucking the pacifier and putting it in place of the mother's mother, Such children can not observe the gathering, can not make friends, they have difficulty in meeting the marriage. It seems that mother's love is very necessary for the child's spiritual emotional development. The love of the mother is the basis on which all the spiritual and continuous balance of the child rests.

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