Monday 24 April 2017

Mind development between the ages of three and five

The child's mental development can be measured by tests similar

After three years of age, the child's mental development can be measured by tests similar to tests applied to large people. These are some kind of mind gymnastics studies that reveal the analytical and synthetic possibilities that slowly build up the mind structure. For this reason, it is necessary to talk about the development of intelligence, not the development of psycho-motor after this stage. Because, after this stage, human intelligence can not measure movemental, equilibrium abilities/ismail.

For this, the Terman test, which is used to measure the intelligence of children after leaving the Brunet-Lezine test and after three years of age, needs to be considered.

The mental development of children aged three is at this level:

1) A part of a three-year-old child's body, nose, mouth, hair, eyes, Correctly.

2) He may be able to give the right answer when he is shown to him and he is asked, "What is this?", "What is this?" These are like pen, house key, spoon. There must be things he often saw.
3) The people in the pictures can be counted as an album in which familiar, familiar events, family pictures are shown.

4) He knows and tells whether he is a girl or a boy.

5) The six seven healings spoken to him may repeat a sentence. Among the thermocycler test material there are censuses prepared for this. These are written on a small cardboard. According to the age of the child the clothes are numbered forcibly. The words to be given to the child at the age of three are simple words like «Let the tea go».

6) He can also know and say his other surname.

7) He can repeat the three digits spoken to him, according to the order in which they are spoken (eg 3-6-2).

The mental development of children aged four is at this level:

1) A small cardboard is shown on the child with two lines of one and a half centimeters long and the other six centimeters long. Ask which is long. The question is repeated several times by rotating the cardboard in various directions to see if it has answered randomly.

2) Shape discrimination test. An example of these shapes are shown in the same size with a 10-point geometric figure (circle, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, etc.) drawn on the child. You need to find at least seven of 10 things to be true.

3) Up to four counts, in order, for example, the four bad currencies given in front of you.

• 4) If the copy test puts a square picture in front of the child, the child also draws a rectangle picture with the pen. It is important not to ignore the dimensions of the karens you draw. It's enough to have a four-sided shape.

5) Easy understanding of questions. The child is asked, "What do you do when you are asleep?", "What are you doing, like hungry, thirsty, etc.?" The questions should answer at least three-two.

6) They repeat the four numbers on the line (like 2-4-3-10) they are told.

7) 12-13 can repeat a sentence, for example, "I will take you to visit tomorrow."

The mental development of children aged five is at this level:

1) the comparison of the two weights. In the same way, two small boxes of the same size and color are taken. A separate item of cigarette is placed in them. The kids get a handful of boxes. It tells me which one is heavier. The boxes are hand-exchanged to see if they are responding randomly.

2) Color comparison test. The child will recognize the paper in four different colors, blue, yellow, red, and green, and say a-dina of his colors.
3) Aesthetic bridging test. A couple or more pairs of female heads are shown on the child. Some of them are beautiful, some are tiny. The child should be able to show which is beautiful.

4) Identification test according to the use of the individual. The child is asked "What is the table?", "What is the spoon?", "What is the chair?" The child's answer is directed not to identify the subject but to indicate where it is used.

5) Torsion test. The child is given two triangles, obtained by truncating a rectangle and its diagonal rectangle. The child combines these two triangles into a rectangle.

6) Understanding orders and memory testing. A five-year-old child may fulfill three orders issued to him at the same time.

7) He knows his own age.

This is done in six testes at every age from the test. Seventh, spare test.

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