Tuesday 25 April 2017

Single child

Single child competition

Some parents think that one child is more comfortable than the other. According to them, since they do not encounter the unpleasantness of a single child competition, they reach an emotional balance in adult age, and a superior character gains safety. In reality, this is the opposite. Because the child who is the only child of the family has difficulty in adapting to various aspects of social life (school, marriage, etc.). The reason for this awakening is that there is no sibling competition at home. The presence of a brother at home is a kind of rehearsal of a number of situations the child will encounter in the future, as well as rehearsals made within the family walls/ismail.

As the difficulty of your brother's competition problem is well known, it is best to address the only child's difficulties that are the other way around.Your parents' behavior affects the child's behavior. Often the parent tends to be overly protective of one child. Parents who grow up the first child with the objectivity and inner comfort that the second child grows are few. It is important to remember that the second child is "calmer", easy to sleep, regularly in the maternity clock, only her mother's father is calmer, cooler and excited.In a single child the situation is more complicated. A young couple is increasingly afraid, nervous, and a number of mental causes that are very natural to hear in their first child. To say that a child is the only child often means that the parent does not want another child. The reasons for this may vary. The family stays with only one child, because of money, to maintain the order of the house, for health reasons, and sometimes just not wanted. All these reasons give a sense of guilt to parents and especially to mothers. They selfishly blame themselves for their behavior. This sense of guilt makes them pay extreme attention to their only child. Thus, they try to overturn and overturn their open or hidden feelings, which, of course, prevent them from building a more crowded family out of consciousness. This is a kind of balancing. Parents, a child, show all the attention from the hands of a single child that they have the courage to bring to the world to donate to their unborn children. Often parents who are left with a child for economic reasons cost this child a lot of money to go to two children.

Sometimes parents do not have a second child when they want it. In this case there is no sense of guilt; There is a fear of losing the child instead. All his fears are concentrated on one child. This creates a thick protective wall around the child. However, such a child will be among the least protected people in life. Because mental and emotional maturity will be back.

The pleasant appearance of their parents may be negative. As the child's greatness and revelations are met with great tolerance, the character that can resist the challenges of the outside world can not develop. The child sees them as "bad people", "insane" because they are not accustomed to "others" other than their mother, other than their father, to withdraw the increasingly repressive movements of the child. This leads to retreat to the shell; Away from the people, avoiding the social bonds that will provide him a place in the periphery. A child who is not a brother to divide the playground, the toys, the bedroom, and the love of the parents at last can not create a psychological state that can meet the natural demands of a living being in society.

However, living in society is a rule. By law, it is the sharing of freedoms with one another. Marriage is based on sharing possibilities and mutual sacrifices. Neither school, nor business people, selfish, can tolerate people who say I am. The child must learn to share in the young age that the only person living in the world is not himself, so that you can adapt to the gathering in the future. An unhappy wife, an incompetent officer, an introverted young girl are mostly those who yearn for childhood.

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