Monday 17 April 2017

Mental development between the ages of six and eight

Mental development test sequences needed to measure the child's mental age

The mental development test sequences needed to measure the child's mental age after three years of age are maintained at older ages. Of special importance between the ages of 6-8; Because this period is when the child begins to study. The social aspect of life is faced with a profound change. Now the child comes out of the narrow circle of the family and enters the "big" outer world. Friends, teachers will slowly take over the people in the family. The child's dream world will slowly recede, his intelligence will become more productive. The ability of analysis and synthesis in mind actions begins to manifest themselves/ismail.

The child's intelligence begins at age six and goes through years of learning to take the form of an apprenticeship.

Below, as in the previous sections, it has been shown what the Terman test at every age is made of. There may be some judgment about the intelligence of the parents and the children who are overlooking them. However, it is necessary to leave the actual evaluation to the experts who are constantly working on this field. Because a lot of factors play a role in assessing the level of intelligence.
The mental development of a 6-year-old child is at this level:

1) The child can certainly separate his right hand from his left hand at this age.

2) Attention test. A series of cardboard rectangles with human figures are given on the child. Four of these are missing a place of human imagination (nose, mouth, ear, etc.). Ask the child what is missing.

3) The number of children progresses. It can count at least thirteen coins.

4) Understanding the question. The questions that are asked to the child at this age are called «second level questions» to distinguish the questions from the questions of the previous semester on the technical level. The questions are: «What do you do if it starts to rain when you go out from the house to go to the arrow» or «What do you do when the ball falls?»

5) They can recognize at least four kinds of money (1 lira, 2.5 lira, 50 kuruş, 25 kuruş) and separate them.

6) Sentence repetition test. Now 17-18 healers can repeat the sentences, for example «Ahmet plaja has gone and has been in the sea many times» or «Our children are below,

They are playing a shepherd. "

7) As an additional test, it can be checked whether or not the child can distinguish the child from the morning after lunch.

The mental development of a 7-year-old child is at this level:

1) The child must say how many fingers of one hand, the other hand, and both hands are.

2) The pictures of the scenes are shown as if they were a-imitated as they were made for 3-year-old children. But this time it is necessary to give a full explanation, an explanation.

3) The child can now repeat the five digits spoken to him (eg 2-7-4-9-6).

5) Hand skills also advanced to the point where the twine around the wooden walking stick.

6) You can also draw an equilateral triangle by looking at the example. Dimensions should not attach importance to this age; It is the important form.

7) Replacement test. All days of the week are sorted or given three digits (3-9-

7) in reverse (say 7-9-3).

8) The mental development of the child at the age is at this level:

1) The ball disappears in the pasture. This circle with small openness towards the child is drawn and the child is said: "Let's say I lost the ball in this round meadow. Where will you go and get it? »The child is going to make a road that is more or less compatible with the pen.

2) The child can be reversed up to twenty in the twenty.

3) The question has now come to third level questions. These questions are either a moral judgment or a personal opinion. For example, "What do you do when you break a young man of another child?" Or "What can you do when you see a poor, hungry pauper?"

4) At that time, two things that are not in front of the child, such as wood, charcoal and tea, are asked for similarity.

5) Defining concepts. It is no longer required to function, but to be defined by concept. Such as «What is Top», «What is Lion», «What is Car?».
, 6) You need to know exactly 20 words from a dictionary or 100 words from a specially prepared list for the test.

Additional tests. Saying the value of 6 different currencies. To write a sentence to himself - without looking at the mistakes of the writing.

The next section also examines the child's intelligence mental development. This chapter is the end of childhood.

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