Thursday 20 April 2017

After six years of play

Six years is the beginning of school age

Six years is the beginning of school age. Compared to school work, it is now seen that the educational importance of the game has decreased. The child has lessons to learn in this period, homework to do, serious things to take care of. However, it is necessary to immediately record that the game is finally "serious" for the child in this age. Instead of leaving the game aside for school, it is the most useful way to turn it into a kind of school game and a game that is as fun as it is fun/ismail.

The spiritual aspects of this matter are also important. It is a complex period of 6-12 years old, spiritually. The child, who has left the family environment that he grew up in until he was old, is now open to the outside world. Already development will be in that environment. The necessity of introducing oneself to some sort of discipline has begun, and will match the desires of others with the wishes of others. The outside world will learn to take part in a group work, not to give up its willing desires for common necessities. In short, it will start to socialize. In this period, the child turns to the truth and the events and objects of the world of the elders. It is no longer with an attitude that is as passionate as it used to be in the world of elders, but with its own actual activity.
Interest in construction games called "Mekano", automobile parts models, attaching and detaching electric motors and similar works starts in this era. The child's actions in this period are the same but smaller, some kind of miniature of their grandfather. A three-year-old child can see it as an upside-down wooden box car. Because the border between reality and dream is not certain in his eyes. The wooden box is, according to him, really automobile. Children aged 7-8 feel that big people need to play with something that looks as good as it gets from their cars. Fdkat does not mean that in this age the fantasy of the child's world has gone out of its way. On the contrary, fantasy has acquired other qualities of fantasy. For example, imaginary play is now played within the group at this age.

In this age the child begins to establish partnerships, groups, «gangs» with their peers. The gang has a certain, serious rules, a president. This president is usually respected. The other members of the gang listen to the President's word. The child thus finds a way to show his love and hatred. On the one hand, how it once belonged to the mother's body, it now meets the necessity of being connected to another organism, and on the other hand the request for independence is fulfilled. These feelings have now spread to a wide circle, as they have already found their way in the narrow family context. The gang «work», such as fighting, punching, rolling around in wrestling, is actually nothing more than a broader kind of wanting to be kicking in first childhood, playing a horse on his father's back, hopping on his knees, It is rational to fulfill this natural desire, with relationships to be provided to the child with his or her age and outside the school.

The sense of ownership is also an important issue. At this age, it is the desire to have a very specific child. This desire outwardly manifests itself in various forms, especially with the curiosity of the collection. In this age the child accumulates stamps, foreign or old money, matchbox, bottle cap. Collecting can also be a useful learning tool. Merge through the collection of children, obtain the classification capabilities e-der. In addition, the collection of some materials may help the general culture; Orderliness, attention and cleanliness are also useful in collecting. Children who tend to collectiveism need to be assisted in this way and should be guided when necessary. The publication of collections, the collection of collections done by your parents can give good results.

As we have mentioned above, children between 6 and 12 years old find their love and hatred in the past, their tendency to accept and not to be, the tendency to bow and exorcise their feelings of independence at a social level. This is a group game. All these tendencies unite with the natural aggression of outing; Especially in boys. The most common form of outburst is «war game». Educators, parents do not think the same about military play. There are those who oppose the giving of the toy to the child; But it should not be forgotten that even if the weapon is not given, the boy meets this need with something else, for example, if the child does not take the plastic rifle, he finds a cane or a wood spear and still «shoots». How is the child desiring to exaggerate aggression and aggression? If this outburst develops in a harmless age and is applied with appropriate toys, there will be no desire to realize this desire when more dangerous possibilities are passed on to the child's hand in the future. Only the toy guns given to the child should be careful to make the child a type of damage. Toy guns may hurt or damage capsules and mushrooms played.

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