Saturday 15 April 2017

The latest stages of mind development

Mind tests can be summarized

In the previous chapters, the child's mental abilities were examined until the end of the eighth year. If the last four years, ie the last four stages, are examined, childhood can be considered to be over. After that, development comes to age; The child is now stepping into the adult section, the symptoms at the second episode occur at that age. The girl starts regl in this age, even a little earlier. Emotional life leads to other purposes, to other experiments. The mental tests for children are no longer available after fourteen years of age. After that, the wit tests for adults are applied. The last stages of the child's mind tests can be summarized as follows. The mental development of a 9-year-old child is at this level/ismail:

1) The child should tell the exact date of the day; But a three-day mistake can be accepted when the moon is the day of the week.
2) Weight comparison. The same is repeated for the previous tests; But five boxes instead of two.

3) Mind account. To the child without using real money «I have this amount of money; I bought rice with so much pound; What is left? "

4) Repetition. The arrival of the child is said to be four beautiful numbers and is asked to reverse them.

5) The child is given three words, for example, soldiers, fields, running words. They are asked to make a sentence in which they pass.

6) Rhyme. A nine-year-old child can understand the concept of rhyme. He can find rhymed words that are given to him and he can do it quickly and without difficulty.

The mental development of a 10-year-old child is at this level:

1) Word test. It gives enough meaning to 30 randomly selected tannins from the list of 100 words applied before.

2) Elimination test. There are a few absurd sentences in the child with logic errors. For example, "Our cat lay three eggs; Do you give one to you? The child is given thirty seconds for each sentence. For at least four out of ten, proper processing of the logic is required mind.

3) Memory test. The child is presented with two geometric pictures, for example a rectangular prism picture with a polygonal piece. They are displayed for 10 seconds; Then it is desirable to make the same.

4) Hearing memory test. 3-4 is required to tell a stage story with his own words. It should remember at least 8 items of emulation.

5) Understanding test. This is also called the fourth step test. The child is asked to answer the questions of logic and morality. "Are they not judged by their words, but by their judgment?"

6) It is required to say 60 words in three minutes.

The mental development of a 12-year-old child is at this level:

1) Vocabulary increases. The child now knows the definition of 40 from the list of 100 words.

2) Among the words he described,

There are also abstract ones. This shows that the child's mind is turning towards the concepts. He must know at least three of the five abstract words, such as pity, goodness, righteousness, given to him.

3) At the age of eight, the "find the ball in the meadow" test is made at the age of twelve "in which way do you find the ball?"

4) The child is given a replaced sentence; They are asked to sort them out in a way that makes sense and sensible.

5) The child at the age of twelve does not remember the story told to him; At the same time understand the meaning. The child is told a few short stories and they are asked to interpret the moral judgment mind.

6) The child is said to have 6 randomly arranged numbers; It is desirable to reverse this order.

The mental development of a 14-year-old child is at this level:

1) In this age, the child should be able to describe the term of the 100-word list correctly.

2) Induction test. This logic test is one of the most complex parts of the whole test. The child is presented with one sheet of paper. The paper doubles. A single hole is drilled with scissors. The fold of the paper is opened and the child is shown with two holes in the entire page. The folding continues. The holes will be four. The child must understand this mechanism, that is, twice the number of holes in each fold, and if the fold is folded, the number of holes should be correctly stated.

3) Abstract understanding tests. In this age, your child must know the distinction between a king and a president.

4) Ask questions about the child's practical skills.

5) Math test. Ask questions. One minute is given for each problem.

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