Friday 21 April 2017

Play between the ages of three and six

Child enters a new phase

After this period the child enters a new phase; Now is the age of going to bed. In this period there are two important events in terms of the child's psychological life: becoming socialized and out of the emotional mother-child circle, and a triple emotional bond in the home becomes part of the parent-child triangle. The factor that realizes socialization is that the child can go with the age to the nest or play with the children in the street if they do not go to the nest. This is what slowly solves the tight emotional bond with her mother anyway. This period is also the period when the child is jealous of the mother and the father. On the other hand, the boy starts to look the same with the father, the girl with the mother. In relation to this attitude, the pediatric complex is a matter to be emphasized. Between the ages of three and six, the game is a result of the desire to close this gap in a fantasy way by realizing that the child is not his own world/ismail. 

The child becomes aware that it is an entity alone. As a logical conclusion, they think that the elders belong to the outside world, «others, others». On the other hand, this situation, suffering from this separation, suffer from trouble. Whether you are from the world of those great people. The only thing that will fulfill this desire is the imagination. He finds his imagination in action. «Housekeeping» plays rush in this turn. In this vote, children have specific roles. Some dad, some mother, some boy or girl. There are also neighboring ones who have expanded Kadroyu and are in the neighborhood. «Mystery», «doctor», «teaching», «policing» play the same sense in psychological terms. These last games have another meaning. The children will reflect the frightening, distressing situations with these games. The elders, the doctor, the police, the reprimand teacher, are often seen as an aggressor. By putting this attacker in his place in the game, the child is destroying the fear he has heard before the attack.These games are played by two or more children, but these are not real communities, communities that bring a whole fruitful.

Indeed, while these children play together, in fact, each has its own separate world. At this age, the child wants to be with their age or older children. However, this is a "material" requirement to be able to carry out the games that are needed in spiritual care. The community is, for each of the children, a frame, a backdrop, an alien «nes-ne». Each of the children goes after their own mind. He carries out his own wishes and does not care much when he does his own interpretations that these do not conform to the other children's. It is for this reason that it is seen that two or three boys in the «house-keeping» game are still father, despite this strange situation. Each of the lead actors plays by counting himself in the role of father; This does not affect the others' game at all. The games in which the roles are logically distributed in a certain way will only take place a few years later.

Children's characters are very different. The age at which the various characters are most apparent is this age. For example, some children always want to take someone else's game; For them the toy is a symbol of something necessary for emotional well-being; It is something to find a solution to internal insecurity. Some children are extremely versatile. They do not keep anything to themselves; What they give presents. Under this behavior, the fear of not being liked, as it is, is hidden. Such a behavior is only the result of the belief in the way that it will be appreciated, desired and loved if it gives something. There is also a kind of child who wants something in the shop with his mother. It will never be satisfied. These are the children who are not so sure about her mother's love, who are looking for evidence at any moment.That alone is enough to tell the importance of the bonds between the toy and the child. The role of the player in understanding the child's emotional needs and the causes of certain behaviors should not be underestimated.

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