Sunday 16 April 2017

Toilet training in children

Child's first social action

The sphincter (sphincter) is the opening of a ring called pylor, which can be opened and closed, thus passing a substance in a body cavity to a deliberate ring that passes or expels it to another adjacent cavity, for example, semi-digested foods that pass through the intestines for the next stage of digestion. Pylor is also a sphincter. But generally speaking, the sphincter (bladder) and anusun (makcıd) openings around the two circles are understood. Their voluntary use does not begin with birth, but as a result of psychophysical development. When the baby begins to soak the gold, not to contaminate the cloth, it can now control the astringent muscles. Now he has learned to adjust these natural processes according to social needs/ismail.

In the previous chapters, it has been seen that, in relation to the normal development of a person, the gender has passed through a so-called anal stage (makad step), and that making or holding a big aptus delighted the baby. For the child it is a piece of body, that is, the object which is the idiot, that is to say, in itself. The first big sacrifice you make to your environment is that your child is willing to give up your auntie. The periphery, of course, is only made up of his mother in that order. According to some psychologists, the adjustment of the process of the intestines is the child's first social action.

Without thinking about the complex theories surrounding this thought, it can be said that the control of astringent muscles is a psychological problem for the baby. That is, it is a question that is not directly related to cleaning but is directly related to the child's mental-emotional development. Like all Baby's actions, this will leave the impression that the person in the future has developed and formed.

Parents often try to educate their children according to their own views. Of course, they find this angle correct. They put forward the experiences they have in life to support this belief. Your children's vision is wrong, if not at all, they are immature. They believe that they must obey their own views. However, they forget that the world of the child has a different background from their own world. In the world of the child, the dimensions are not the same as the big ones. When it comes to the physical aspects of the child's life, this is better seen, for example, feeding a baby with food that the elders eat does not come to mind. But if the work goes to the spiritual field, it is very rare to make this difference right. The behavior of the elders in the problem of polluting the baby is a typical example of this. From the point of view of the child, it is seen that no baby is disturbed by soaking gold until a certain age, not polluting gold, ignoring it. Even a child of a past age will play the game without thinking about letting her mother know when six are dirty. As the child begins to teach the aptitude to a certain place, it is acknowledged by the elders and the viewpoint.

Because it is a matter of concern to the elders that there is no filth in the house. The child does not care about such a thing. It is therefore very difficult to convince the child that you have to sit in the seat. The child does not have such an obligation, it does not even understand its purpose.

To be sure that the child is not only in spiritual care but also in terms of physical strength, he must wait until he reaches the age of 1.5 to be sure that anus can squeeze the sphinx and hold it in his great aphasia. The ability to hold a small aphrine can then be 2 in girls, 2.5 in boys. Even wetting your night bed around four years is a normal condition. If the child is wetting the night bed after four years of age, he or she should go to mental or medical care, thinking that it is a mental or physical delay.

It is first investigated whether the child has a disorder in his kidneys. If there is no such disorder, you will be referred to a psychologist. Because wetting your night bed is based on spiritual causes. The child wants to return to the infancy due to the pressure from his or her neighbor, or mostly a newborn brother.

Some mothers learn that their children are 9-10 months old, even before they have been stupid. There are even people who want to sit on a three-month baby seat. There may be successes in this attitude, but the damage will occur later. Above all, the child shows a rebellious attitude when it comes to 3-4 years old. The child, who reports the need for six months, starts to soak up gold at the age of four. Furthermore, all these kinds of mothers want to be complete, complete, prevent their children from exhibiting normal spiritual development. When such children grow up, their neurobehavior falls into the psychosis of winning success no matter what their backyard.
It is hardly a force to actually fall into such mistakes. When the time comes, it is necessary to sit the child in the seat and wait for a while, for more than 10 minutes. If the result is good, the mother should show that she is happy with it. Whatever the child did not do, it should be avoided. Aptes should not be a coercion. The relationship between mother and baby should not be broken.

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