Monday 6 February 2017

Giving Birth

 First Child

In these last two chapters, it will be mentioned that the first child is coming home from the birth house, which is mentioned in the chapters in the last few times, but not enough/ismail.

Great day (1)

Returning home from the maternity home is often a fuss, a fear, and a feast day in the sense of joy and comfort. It is understandable that the fear of abundance and futility is futile. However, given the great prospect and innovation of the subject, aenc's parents are not justified-

Pedagogical Problems in Children

Pedagogical Problems

In the previous chapters, pedagogical problems have been addressed as well as the typical behaviors and habits that the child has shown during various stages of development/ismail.
For example, parents who do not want to eat, and children who resist sleeping, and the whole family should take the right attitude. Roughly, it was pointed out what would be the first books the child would read. Speaking from the picture, it was said that it was not a scintillating case for the child, but rather a means of exposing himself to a way of shaping the personality of the functioning child.

Oedipus Complex

The Oedipus story in Greek Mythology

The language of science, whatever country it is, is filled with words from Latin and Greek/ismail.
Beside these words, there are also names derived from the mythology of the Ancient Age, especially the mythology of the psychology language has many words and names. The most famous of these is the term "oedipus complex". The oedipus story in Greek mythology is known to almost everybody. The king of Tebai wants to kill his son oedipus as a minisite because a priest said he would be killed by his own son in one day. The person responsible for killing oedipus turns to the saddle, leaving him on the mount and in the mountains, and he grows up without knowing who is the child of oedipus. He kills the Tebai king he does not know is his father, he marries the queen who does not know he is his mother. The Greek tragedy writer Sofocles (the 5th century BC) immortalized this story with the famous play «King Oedipus». Here, in psychoanalysis, the childhood special situation is called the "Oedipus complex" in that it does not end in a certain period but creates serious imbalances even in adult age.

Sunday 5 February 2017


Microtubes can Spread from the Tonsils

They become the nest of microbes that stop and multiply. In this case, tonsils are a dangerous formation; Because they became the focus of fire/ismail.
Microtubes can spread from the tonsils to various parts of the body. Streptococci are the most common microtubules that are placed in tonsils. Glo-merulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Streptococcus is one of the most effective diseases. If an organ initially charged with protecting the organism is in the position of fire-fighting, it means that it has overcome its harmful quality. There is no other way than to take them away.

When Should he Call the Doctor?

 They go to the Doctor.

This title may be out of place for some readers/ismail.
 The answer can be thought of as simple. However, the problem is not at all as simple as it might seem at first sight. Because the tytum of parents' children's illnesses is not at all similar to the attitude of anyone to their own illness. Adults try to heal themselves, and if they do not, they go to the doctor. If they are parents, they refer to the doctor in the slightest symptom that goes out of normal in their child. The fact that a large part of the applications to the pediatrician are in vain, the fact that this behavior of the parents is so terrible, is the result of the children wanting to protect them excessively. An important part of these schemes is out of place.