Wednesday 8 February 2017

Sleeping in Children

Sleeping is an Energy Storage Process

Sleep prevention is a very biological action/ismail.
 During sleep, the organism enters a basal run in a sense; That is, only basic operations at that time. There is almost no movement. No nutrients. In this case, the least amount of power is spent and at least calories are given. The consumption of the body is only enough to keep the most primitive life functions at the same level. Heart strikes, breathing and blood circulation continue.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Emotional Development and Character Tests

Emotional Development in a Child

It is good to point out again that the mental state of a child is not only dependent on her natural possibilities but also on the external conditions/ismail.

It is a common misperception that many children who are already very intelligent with their appearance are not productive due to unpleasant reasons at school, or, conversely, less intelligent children are known to be successful at school because their mental balance is in place.

Development of Legs

Every mother is very interested in the baby's

Every mother is very interested in the baby's legs and feet, and they are sick about them/ismail.
 Much of the applications made to pediatricians are related to their parents' suspicions and fears. Although many things can be said in this regard, it will be sufficient to respond to the most frequently asked questions about orthopedics.

Investigating Personality

Personality and Intelligence, and that the Child's Behavior

Previously, it was mentioned that there were important relationships between the child's personality and intelligence, and that the child's behavior in the age of development gave advance information about the future personality to be attained/ismail.
In this section, the most used of the tests used to descend into the secret mechanism of the formation of the child person will be observed. Knowing this mechanism helps to establish balances, which are sometimes unstable, and to correct psychological-environmental factors underlying the majority of abnormal behaviors.

Congenital hip Protrusion

Talking About the Birth

Talking about the birth of a congenitally hip means treating a pathological condition that falls into the field of paediatrics. However, the hip protrusion is closely related to the gait problem and the orthopedic problems that have been addressed in the previous section and which are mothers' conception/ismail.