Tuesday 27 June 2017

How nutrition should be in school

 School schedule is needed and breakfast

They have to pay more attention to the feeding of children in this age. The common tradition is shudder:
In this age the child will sit in the table with the elders. Meal times are the same as their mealtimes. Eating is the same as that prepared for the whole family. The amount also depends on your personal appetite.If the nutritional needs of a child were the same as the nutritional needs of an adult, this was considered to be the case. But the truth is different. The child's need for nutrition is very different from that of the adult. This separation is not only in quantity but also in variety.
The boy who started the school/ismail.

Saturday 24 June 2017

What is the lung

Lung is a pair of large respiratory organ

Lung is a pair of large respiratory organ in the chest cavity of vertebrates who are breathing with air. In man, each of the lungs covered with a thin, cracked, so-called pleura is attached to the pulmonary atria and the lungs, and to the parenchyma of the main bronchi. Soft, light, spongy-rimy and flexible, there is normally some air in the lungs after birth. A healthy lung is crushed when it is compressed and floats when it is thrown into the water;
Whereas the lungs of diseased lungs and dead babies sink into the water/ismail.

Friday 23 June 2017

Whooping cough and mumps

cough is always present

After rash, the two most common diseases in children are pertussis and mumps.
It is not a virus, but a bacterium, that gives the strangler the "cock cough" in our language and the "dog cough" in some western languages. The incubation period of this bacterium called «Hemophilus pertussis» lasts about two weeks. At the end of this period, symptoms specific to the disease arise. There are three round trips when the manifestations are self-evident. The first period is the period of flu; During this period, cough is always present and coughing from the larynx is hardly possible. Since the disease is not well understood, infection is most common during this period. Mothers and fathers do not take any precautions, assuming that the child has had a minor cough. In this period, however, it is necessary to separate the child from his friends and not send it to the nest or to the school. Fifteen days later, the coughing characteristic of the strangulation is revealed. The child has a long breath before each cough/ismail.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Child polio vaccine

Children are obliged by law to be vaccinated

Among vaccinations administered to children, child polio {poliomielit} vaccination is more emphasized. There are three reasons for this. Of these, the vaccine is the first vaccination of the child; Secondly, parents should be undecided about this vaccine; And the third is the great importance of the child phallus/ismail.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

What is the vaccination schedule

Vaccination schedule to prevent any inconveniences
Sof I and Sabin, the children's philosophical graces, and these are the first vaccinations of babies, so it was mentioned in the previous chapters that it is of social importance. However, other vaccines are less useful and less important than these vaccines. It is useful to always keep a schedule called the vaccination schedule to prevent any inconveniences. However, it is correct to note that this fiction is of general quality and that it can be modified in this scheme, taking into account the individual circumstances of each child and the qualities of the surrounding environment. Whoever decides on these changes is a pediatrician/ismail.